Call for Papers: Who Owns Heritage?
Call for Papers: Who Owns Heritage? Local Communities and the Fight for Historical Monuments in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Masaryk University Brno, Czechia, 6 November.
Alexandra Chiriac se zabývá divadlem a designem dvacátého století. V Brně přednese přednášku s názvem: No Place Like Home: Avant-Garde Yiddish Theatre between the National and the Transnational.
Anotace: During the 1920s and early 1930s, Bucharest was a thriving space of experimentation for itinerant Yiddish performers, who garnered both commercial and critical success. Seeking stability, the internationally renowned Vilna Troupe made Romania its permanent home and the avant-garde theatre director Iacob Sternberg strove to create a permanent organisation for Jewish theatre in the country. This talk examines how Yiddish performance flourished in Romania despite an increasingly hostile political climate and how its traces were later obscured due to peripatetic trajectories either chosen or enforced. It also discusses the challenges of researching and writing about transnational performance in an East European context shaped by national archives and narratives.
Zoltán Ginelli působí jako geograf a globální historik na University of Public Service v Budapešti. Při studiu globálních dějin maďarské koloniality a vztahů mezi východní Evropou a globálním Jihem se řídí dekoloniálním přístupem. Jeho přednáška nese název: ‘Hungarian Indians’? Race and Colonialism in Hungarian ‘Indian Play’
Anotace: Critical literature on race and colonialism remains Westcentric and often ignores Eastern European positions. Hungary’s place within the global history of racial colonialism has been selectively interpreted, under-researched, or silenced. This talk shows how Hungarian ‘semiperipheral whiteness’, an in-between position of ‘not-quite-whites’ evading ‘white guilt’ complicates the global histories of ‘Indian play’: representing, comparing to, and identifying or performing as Native Americans by whites. The lecture then asks how this history informs the lack of critical engagement with the heritage of ‘Indian play’ in contemporary Hungarian culture amidst raging Western debates on cultural appropriation, ‘redfacing’, ‘white guilt’, and a decolonial politics increasingly captured by identity politics in neoliberal capitalism.
Kdy: Středa, 15. března, 2023
Kde: Knihovna Hanse Beltinga, Seminář dějin umění, Veveří 28, Brno
Call for Papers: Who Owns Heritage? Local Communities and the Fight for Historical Monuments in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Masaryk University Brno, Czechia, 6 November.
Srdečně Vás zveme na jarní cyklus přednášek SMArt Talks, který pořádá Centrum pro moderní umění & teorii. SMArt Talks: Myths of Modernism začínají již 27. února!